Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tieflings as qunaries?

From left: Sten the unhorned qunari, a horned qunari, a tiefling of D&D and a tiefling miniature (D&DM).

When you buy random D&DM boosters you get miniatures that works perfect with Dragon Age and you get miniatures that probably shouldn't be in any fantasy world. Why not then use your tieflings as qunaries? There will be horned qunaries in Dragon Age 2 (Sten, known from Dragon Age: Origins, is an atypical qunari born without horns) and they are not that far from tieflings of D&D. Well, the demonic tiefling has a tail but that could easily be solved with a knife and some paint. Then I guess the tiefling is slightly smaller than the qunari but I can take that. I hope I can return soon with photos of custom qunaries.

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